Saturday, July 7, 2012

Adventure 5: I Miss You, In N Out

First of all, sorry I’ve been lagging behind on all of my posts. I don’t really have a good excuse for not staying on top of things other than the heat and personal laziness, but here are my sincerest apologies in any case. Because I have so much catching up to do, I’m going to divide my highlights into 2 entries, hopefully for your reading convenience and pleasure.

Here are some highlights of my DC experiences thus far:

1. Target has an escalator for shopping carts
2. DC Heritage Community Project
3. Double dose of the Smithsonian

That's our cart! I was so excited.
Res Life has a rice cooker! Our dinner the night of our Target trip.
 I think the Target point is pretty self-explanatory, so I’ll dive into the DC Heritage Community Project. The Project was a really fun event held by the Humanities Council, in which the general public could attend for free and engage in discussions about the importance of preserving historic communities in DC. We brought in some panelists who offered their perspectives about the topic. The most interesting panelist was a 19-year-old high school student, who had conducted his own personal research about dilapidated cemeteries that housed the graves of African American slaves. Overall, the event was quite successful and I was very impressed with the audience, as they were very engaged and asked many questions. Of course, as much as I support encouraging community involvement in preserving history, I must admit that my favorite part of the night was coming home with a ton of left over food from the event. I brought home two platters, one filled with croissant sandwiches and the other filled with veggies. It’s no In N Out, but at least it fed me and the girls in my apartment for a few days. (Sorry, I was too tired to take pictures. I know, “pics or it didn’t happen”).

Moving on, the girls and I visited two of the Smithsonian museums, American History and Natural History. I won’t bore you with the details, but needless to say, we saw a lot, learned a lot, and walked a lot. In addition to the exhibits, probably one of the best things about the Smithsonian is the AC. Seriously. DC summer time heat is no joke and after walking around all day in the humidity, having air-conditioning blasted onto your face feels like the best thing in the world.

On the way to the Smithsonian, we cut through a BBQ competition. Oops.

By the Smithsonian

Proof we were there

Vintage Mickey ears

I'm getting laughed at by children because of my inability to wring towels, just as slaves were forced to

Oh hey Obamas. My favorite exhibit at the American History museum was the First Ladies exhibit, which showcased beautiful gowns that many First Ladies wore

Chelsea Clinton's pointe shoes

One of my favorite exhibits at the Natural History museum was the Live Butterfly exhibit

Just like Bones! Where's Dr. Brennan?

At the Natural History museum Gems and Rocks exhibit. The Hope Diamond, my birthday present

Marie Antoinette's earrings, my Christmas present

Until next time: “In our progress toward political happiness my station is new; and if I may use the expression, I walk on untrodden ground.” ~George Washington

<3 Upshire Girl

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. Pics or didn't happen. I guess you would have made a terrible slave. Not able to wring towels and always complaining if there wasn't enough food :p. Im glad you enjoyed the Smithsonian's ac.
