Wednesday, June 27, 2012

UC Davis in Washington DC!

So I realize after a convo with a friend that I should probably shorten my blog posts.  They're usually ridiculously long, so you may not (and probably don't) want to read through all the craziness.  I'll try to make more of an effort to post shorter posts more often (hopefully daily).  But we'll see how long that lasts lol.  

Also, I am now too lazy to write about what happened at Target last Sunday (6/24).  That and I don't quite remember... o_o  All you need to know, really, is Upshire Girl somehow convinced us to get these:
Little packets of soapy goodness!  Similar to the packets for dishwashers.
Anyway, let's talk about Wednesday!  My memory only goes so far and the last thing I remember rather vividly (slightly) is Wednesday.  Blame my malfunctioning hippocampus.

Because I'm not scheduled to work on Wednesdays, I signed up to volunteer at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival last week on 6/27.  UC Davis, the only California university present, held a booth at the Festival to take part in the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln.  The law allowed for the creation of land-grand universities, which is why UC Davis is here today :)  I like Abe, and I like Davis, so this sounded like a fun adventure to embark upon.  Upshire Girl also signed up at same time slot so we headed over to the Festival together.

Upon reaching the booth, we ran into Cheryl Purifoy, our hilarious program coordinator.  She thanked us profusely for coming to replace her since she had apparently been there all day in the hot and humid weather.  Despite being underneath a tent, I can see why she thought it felt like death (she didn't say that but I assumed that's what she meant).  After a short chat (which included something about another student accidentally loading an inappropriate website on our loaned laptop, oh my!), she left us to man the booth.  Not expecting anyone to stop by, we were pleasantly surprised when we met a good handful of Aggie alumni from various classes.  Even an alumni from the Rhode Island University stopped by to say hi!  Two hours went by pretty quickly, and the event was a lot more enjoyable than we expected :)

Pics showing off UCD awesomeness!
Posts from UCD alum.  Go Ags!

My post.  It's true.

The shirt color may be ugly, but the shirt itself was super soft.  Can't expect too much from a free shirt ;)
After our shift, we went to go look at the second UCD booth.  Apparently, UCD olive oil is divine because that's what most of the second booth was about.  I was a little disappointed that no cows were to be found to represent Davis.  They did bring a bike though!
Giant Earth made of plastic bags--so Davis.

Clearly, this bike is too tall for me... -_-;
The festival closed at 5:30 so we couldn't go explore much to look at the rest of the booths so we walked over to the Metro and headed home.  And with that, I leave you with the DC tip of the day:

**When riding on an escalator in the Metro station, stand on the right and walk on the left.  Failure to follow this rule will lead to very angry native Washingtonians.**
This picture was made possible by my standing on the right.
-Agent 024

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